Isehara-city is located in almost the center of Kanagawa Prefecture and is surrounded by rich nature.
Mount Oyama, a symbol of Isehara-city, has been regarded as a holy mountain and place of worship for many years. In the Edo period, Oyama became a popular place where people came to enjoy visiting shrines and temples, the excursion being called ‘Oyama-mairi’, meaning Oyama worship visit.
This Oyama-mairi is listed as a Japanese heritage site, being recognized for its cultural value. There are many old shrines and temples in the city, showing depth of history and culture.
Please enjoy Isehara-city surrounded by history, culture and rich nature.
Dec/2024 Beware of bear in Oyama.
Feb/2025 The toilet at the summit of Mt. Oyama and Oyama-dera temple are currently out of order. The toilet at the lower shrine (Shimosha) is available for use.